1. To advance public congruity, Ecology, Health, Employment and Youth Leadership.
1. To advance public congruity, Ecology, Health, Employment and Youth Leadership.
2. To meet Seminars, Conference on the Implementation of the Government Welfare Schemes.
3. To Provide Guidance, Technical Help and Training in Development Communication to advance greater group Development Projects.
4. To Educate the People to achieve independence in essential needs of human life, for example, Food, Cloth, Shelter and Health.
5. To make mindfulness among the general population for the counteractive action of the Socio, Economic, Political, Cultural, Environment and Health Problems through Seminars, Workshops, Training Programs and Camps.
6. To enhance the Health Status of the People by Providing people group Health Service and Promoting Rural Sanit
7. To empower the general population to profit the advantages offered by the legislature and non government associations by making them mindful of these projects and by Functioning as the actualizing office for the plans presented by the Departments/State/Central Government.
8. To empower and include in Programs like Co-agent Enterprises, Agricultural and Livestock Development, Handicrafts and Cottage Industries which improve the way of life of the weaker areas.
9. To keep the occurrence of drop-outs through sponsorship program for instruction of youngsters and teach the current drop-outs through non formal training and proceeding with training.
10. To make the general population in charge of their own advancement by evoking their interest and including them in all Programs.
11. To rouse individuals to frame self improvement gatherings and Co-agent Societies and urge them to recognize and use the locally accessible assets for their advancement and that of the group.
12. To engage the general population by encouraging them to find their own energy to think unreservedly, to settle on individual decisions, to end up plainly mindful of their needs and react to them.
13. To work for the Development of Waste land Programs.
14. To work for the up liftment of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and to work for their general advancement and Welfare.
15. To develop neighborhood administration and encourage them to approach the assets of the country everywhere through initiative preparing and training about the Panchayatraj.
16. To empower the monetary improvement of the general population by granting professional and independent work preparing to them and urge them to be autonomous by Disbursing advances for independent work plans.
17. To attempt pay producing exercises for the independence of the Trust by advancing Self Help Groups among all destitute People.
18. To lead Seminars, Workshops, Training Programs, Camps and offer Diploma Courses for people in general particularly to the staff of NGO and the viewpoint staff of NGO.
19. To carryout AIDS Awareness program and to get allow from Government and different offices for the above program.
20. To annihilate Illiteracy among the provincial individuals and to give grown-up instruction focuses in towns.
21. To do Rehabilitation Program for the medication addicts and drunkards.
22. To compose Cultural Program in Rural and Urban regions delineating different social issues.
23. To bolster Sports and Games exercises and take endeavors to advance great sportsmen.
24. To work towards the Abolishment of Child Labor in Industries.
25. To give marriage help to poor discouraged ladies.
26. To render lawful direction to destitute individuals to beat different lawful issues in their families and social orders.
27. To give Scholarships to meriting Students for their instruction and different needs.
28. To Start Arts Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Technical Institutions, I.T.I, Medical Colleges, Para Medical Institutions and Computer Education Centers managing programming And Hardware Programs for the welfare of the Rural People and other appropriate courses as time and place request.
29. To run a Working Women Hostel, Home for the matured, Orphanages, Day Care Centers to help poor people.
30. To set up Educational Centers and Institutions for weaker and Disadvantaged individuals to confer Education and Service for the People with Special Emphasis on
31. The Education of Women and Children which advance all round human improvement through uncommon Training Skills.
32. To Study and make look into on different issues in regards to Development, Ecology, Education, Health and Communication.
33. To run wellbeing Centers, Clinics, Hospitals in the Rural ranges for the Development of the Rural Population and to direct Medical Camps of all nature.
34. To instill the propensity for Blood Donation, Eye Donation and Human Body Organs gifts by leading mindfulness camps.
35. To give restoration benefits in the season of regular cataclysms viz. earth shudders, surge, violent wind and Tsunami.
36. To run free marriage authority to help individuals to discover reasonable match as life accomplices.
37. To do every single other act and deeds which are coincidental to the points and goals of the Trust.